What Are IPR & Attachments?

If you’re interested in clear aligners from Straight Teeth Solutions, you may be wondering what “IPR” and “attachments” are, and what purpose they serve during treatment.

Let’s explain the basics about both types of treatment adjustments for clear aligners, and whether or not you may need IPR or attachments as part of your treatment plan.

Interproximal Reduction (IPR) & Orthodontic Attachment

Interproximal Reduction (IPR)

IPR stands for Interproximal reduction and this is a procedure that removes a small amount of enamel from the surfaces of two adjacent teeth. This is done by a dentist in order to eliminate dental crowding and allow the teeth to move properly. This may be necessary if you have very crowded teeth. Removing a little bit of tooth material allows your aligners to move them more efficiently, enabling your doctor to create an ideal tooth alignment.

Orthodontic Attachments

Orthodontic attachments take the form of a small, tooth-colored “bump” that’s bonded onto your tooth using advanced composite material. These “bumps” work with your aligners to provide them with a better grip on the tooth, ensuring the tooth can be easily moved to its desired location.

Some changes to your teeth are hard to achieve with aligners alone. Rotating a tooth, for example, may require the use of clear orthodontic attachments. Your dentist will tell you more about what to expect during your consultation.

IPR & Attachments are Available as Part of Your Plan from Straight Teeth Solutions

Not every orthodontic patient needs interproximal reduction (IPR) or orthodontic attachments, but we do offer these services on an “as needed” basis, and they are included in your treatment price. So don’t wait! Book your 3D scan online now, and get started with Straight Teeth Solutions right away.